Monday, May 08, 2006

What Surrounds Norman Street, St.James Park.. - Part II

It was a dark, stormy, and bone chilling night....
no..not really..
Just an ordinary winter night with the extrodinary housemates and company

Civic Video: the only video (VHS...yess...the black square thingy called "tape") rental store in our radius.

"go harvey go harvey norman GO!.."..a harvey norman commercial song from the TV...
"do you love the way ur mommy feeds ur tum...we do RON RON RON..we do RON RON.."..a McDonalds commercial on TV was next after the harvey norman ad.

whenever this commercial (McDs) is on..we can see Housemate No 1 and 2 jumps up from their sit and started to sing and dance to the commercial...extrodinary...

they would swing their hands and hips from left to right... marvelous sight...very very exciting..

A normal cold weekday night...nothing interesting on TV...besides eating, jamming the same old songs, playing games, tea addiction, smoke some fags, talking on the phone, talking to themselves, talking to some teddy bear (FREAK..aint me..), sniffing underwear (ask Juls for more info), a fashion parade,...there's pretty much nothing to do...

Mr Chan: wei...damm bored lar..jom...McDs..
Housemate No 2: again??...
Housemate No 1: .....(on her ear phone playin Diablo 2)..
Mr Chan: ..then?..there's nothing to do lo...
Housemate No 2: watch TV lo...
Mr Chan: what?...wait for that McDs commercial again so that i can watch u dance and sing again?
Housemate No 2: ok mar...(showing me the "moves" again..)..c'mon with me...
Housemate No 1: ..*throwing everything on the floor...climb up to the table and started screaming..* WE DO RON RON RON...WE DO RON RON...
Mr Chan: ......
Housemate No 1: go rent some porn lar...
Mr Chan: ......
Housemate No 2: (stops her "moves" and look at Juls...puzzled)
Housemate No 1: (still doing her thing...) COME ON JE JE JE...COME ON JE JE..
Mr Chan: yalor...come lar...let's go rent some videos since there's nothing to watch on TV and i dun wanna watch u dance again...and Juls...pls come back down from the table...our neighbour is watching in horror..
Housemate No 2: ok mar...(started again..)

Off we go to Civic Video..

Passing the same ol used car dealer with the 2 lovely usual..Housemate No 1 and 2 would run like there's no tomorrow..

"eeeekkkk....i'm not crazy..." screams Je and Juls while running across the road..

All of us have different preferences in movie myself..i love actions and horror..while juls like pornand etc...listed below are our individual preferences.

Housemate No 1: Genre: Anything with nude scenes..
1) A hot night in Hattyai
2) Me, myself and the vacumm cleaner
3) I'm just cleaning my room #69
4) The long shlong - Season 69
5) Fan my "Fanny"

Housemate No 2: Genre: Documentary
1) Taboo
2) Faces of death I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X...
3) A year and a half in the life of an ant.
4) Shocking Asia I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X...
5) Memoirs of Mardi Gras

#3: Genre: any freaking love story or teen flicks
1) The Dog and I
2) Prequal to Sleepless in Seattle : Sleeping soundly in the Kennel
3) Casablanca prequal: kasar belanggar
4) The story of Ah Lian
5) From bak kut teh with Love

Mr Chan: Genre: Action and Horror. Anything to do with Rock n Roll
1) Indiana Jones I, II, III
2) Star Wars I,II,III,IV,V,VI
3) The Ring
4) The Grudge
5) Almost Famous

Each of us would select our own movies that we wanted to watch...sometimes...i would join Je in the "Documentary Section" to pick up some titles like "cannibal halocaust" and stuff like that..just to gross ourselves out..

For Juls...i dun have to join or assist her in making her selection because whatever she picks..i'm sure its good...i can tell by the cover of the tape.

Off to the counter to pay and grab some snacks...

I remember once, not sure if its me, je or juls, or we all agree together to rent this show about some japanese prostitute. Yes, we know that it contains some (or rather alot) of scenes but we just want to watch it for the sake of watching it.

Quite a lenghty movie, verse in japanese with english subtitle... with interesting scenes...about this prostitute just can't get enought of fucking and sucking...
some interesting scenes like the man putting an egg (dunno egg or fishball) into the women's vagina..(*wow)

At first, we thought those "scenes" would be normal naked chiq showing their booty..but it was more than that...there's one scene that gave us a shock..well..not all of us...i was pretty excited..hahahah....

it shows (close up) of the guys penis (after intense sex session)..kinda like tiny (japs)..not hard...not soft...and the pros. not gettin enuff love...started sucking and harrassing the guys penis...

* all was silent in the can hear a mosquito pass by and says "hi"..*

Je: What the..?
Juls: ....*munch...munch..(a packet of Lays)...*Sluuuuuurrrrppppppp.....(her hot tea)...(chech...i can do better than that man..)
Me: hmmmm....can slow mo ar??..
#3: ...mmmpp..kmmkmk..jsandihc..achgwuhgfbs... (mumbling to her teddy bear and closing the bear's if like.."noo noo...ure too young to watch..")..freak..

Yea..again...we thought that..ok...she's giving a blow job....and that's it...but no...after much sucking...some whitey liquid starts squirting out...

Je: eeewwwwww.....oh my God...why are they showing it??...
Juls: ...*munch..munch...*......*buuuuurrrppp...*...*munch...munch..*
Me: whoooaaaaa....I LOVE THIS SHOW MAN..!!
#3: ...(playing masak masak with her bear and the dog)

Till next blog...

I'm Mr Chan signing off - ah Ju dun understand..Ju Ju..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wei... i dun remember us renting that kinda movie wei... it's kinda gross ler... u sure it's with us and not with your some of your other 'freak' friends?

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah lor.. seriously dun remember that one lor.. And you would think that the movie being so.. erm.. weird..

Me and Je would definitely be traumatized and will surely remember it..

Isn't it?

Confused la u Mr. Chan..

4:58 PM  

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