What Surrounds Norman Street, St.James Park..
A rough map - from my memory - of what surrounds the place we stayed.
Civic Video..
The foodcourt..
News Agency..
The Playground..
Sportsbet..(not in map)
The Shopping mall..(not in map and forgot what the name of it..)
The non-halal shop..(not in map but i think its somewhere behind McDonald's)
McDonald's: bada dab dab daaaa..i'm Lovin' It! no..it wasn't this tagline yet when we were there. But this McDonald's is cool..well..yea...what so great about McDonald's??..they're all the same ain't it?..Yes they are..but..this "Mc Dong Dong" - as we call it - is "the special one".
why?..what so special about it? what..they have like.."Hi..yea...can i have a set of Mc-garoo meal...make it a large one...and urrmm...one koala pie...and urrmmm...one more wombat dropping McFlurry..that's all.."..
"ok..i repeat..a set of Mc-garoo meal...large...one koala pie...and a wombat dropping McFlurry...that would be 11.20 sir..is there anything else.."
"yea..by the way..my name isMis...Mis-ter Chan..here's my number...call me..we can have fun.."
"oh my...*giggle giggle..*..sure.."
This Mc Dong Dong is special coz that's the only place where we can have food at late night!!..24 hours drive thru..that's why!!...and its the only McD's in the next 100 miles..so..its special..trust me..it is..Yes..Yes..and Yes.. - just in case u have doubts..
Imagine..late night..11 pm or so..winter...10 - 5 degrees..( we have a record in perth: -5 degrees and that was around 3 am or so..)..
Mr Chan: eh eh...hungry lar...dammit...feel like eating fries..what say u Je ??..McD's?
Housemate No 2: Har?..really ar??..damm cold u know outside...
Mr Chan: u aint walking naked there right??..put on some clothes pls..
Housemate No 2: Right.....
Mr Chan: so??..let's go lar..
Housemate No 2: aiyah..oklar...ask that Juls wanna go also or not lar..
*ching ching....chup chup..ching..chup..arrgghhhhh......* - effects from Juls computer - playing diablo 2 - Courtesy of Mr Chan..
Housemate No 1: ahh...dammit....die again..shit lar...need to gained more experience and magics for my character lar...*sluuuuurrrrrrppppp....* - slurping her hot tea with 6 "Lipton" labels dangling on her mug...
*her mug..if i'm not mistaken is a Tigger mug..winnie the poop..i mean..pooh..
That kinda mug is those that if u see one, your first reaction would be like..."God dammit..that's a huge motherfucker right there..."
Standing behind Juls...no..not standing behind Juls and doing her from the back tho she's my fcuk buddy..but standing kinda standing at the back of her...no...not standing on her back..but she's sitting on the chair...and i'm standing next to her...ok...
..and observing her game play..
Mr Chan: ha ha ha...die dee....eh eh..oklar...let's go McDs...!!
Housemate No 1: Har?...so late ar??..eh duwan lar...damm cold ler...
Mr Chan: yea....its cold and that's why we have to go there for some friesss....u know how the fries are like....golden....hot and steamy..crispy (yes...those australian fries are crispy as compare to our local McDs fries)..
Housemate No 1:......aiyahh...oklarr....spoil my diet program only...eh we walk ah...?
Housemate No 2: *zipping her 7th layer of clothes...* and then??...u can roll there if u wan..
off to McDs...As we strollll....along...together....holding hands...Shivering all along..*do do wee ooo*..so hungry..are we nooowwww...no one else but the 3 of us...so hungry...*so hungry..* soo..oo..hungry..
Pls use the map above for self-explanatory.
As we were walking pass the car dealer shop...they have this 2 Rottweilers - they type that you see on the street and u will beg and pratically sell ur soul to the devil for that huge black motherfucker to walk else where...
often..the 2 dogs sleeps under the cars being displayed outside..and as we pass..usually nothing happens but..most of the time..this is what happens..
Mr Chan: eh eh..where are the dogggyyy...hey...doggy doggy..
Housemate No 1 and 2: eh eh..dun lar...let's go lar...afterward they jump over the fence lar..
*the dogs start waking up and rushing and barking viciouly at us..
my reaction would be like.."whooaa....cool man...damm huge.."..i love dogs and i used to have 2 Rotts as well...and as i turn around to Juls and Je...will be long gone...screaming their frozen tits off.....eeeeeeeekkkkk......they're coming out..they're coming out....(refering to the dogs)..its behind u Je...eeeeekkkKkKkKKkKKk....
*HONK HONK........*.."GODDAMMIT U BITCH...CAN'T U FUCKING SEE ITS RED??...- Refering to the traffic light..
Housemate No 1: I DUN GIVE 2 HOOTS!!!
*sudah sampai Mc Dong Dong..*
usually..we will not sit inside of McDs..we will ocupy the table outside of it...yea..its cold i know...but i smoke..so...
As Je and Juls enjoying their fries, i will have my Quarter Pounder meal.. - during that time...Malaysia do not have Quarter Pounder yet...so..its kinda new and "damm Jakun" lar..
Housemate No 2: eh eh..damm cold lar...Juls u not cold ar??..Mr Chan u not cold ar..??
Mr Chan: *clad with only a t-shirt, a jacket and jeans didn't really bother to answer coz busy eating..*
Housemate No 1: cold...damm cold lar...Mr Chan lar..wanna sit outside...eh eh...come..let's buy ice-cream...
Housemate No 2: eh eh..come come..jom..
Mr Chan: ...????...vaginas...u'll never understand them...
*food's done...drinks done...fag's done..and its about 12.30 or so..and its time to go home..
Using back the same route as we come means passing the 2 dogs again ..and again..eeeekkkkkkkkKkKKkKK...the dogs are coming out...eeeekkkkkk..RUN...
There's a certain path of the journey back home where it is kinda dark..there's light but its very dim..so..being me...i would walk very fast..over taking Je and Juls..just to hide behind some trees to scare the crap out of them...
and as usual...they are expecting this kinda shit from me as this is not the first time...but they do not know where i'm gonna hide....
behind the tree?...above it??...behind a car ..?..behind the rubbish bin..?
Tho' they are expecting it...it never fails to scared the shit out of them...sometimes scared until the tampon they are "wearing" also drop...especially Je...always kena scared...
Damm good times...
To be Continue...
I'm Mr Chan signing off - ah Ju Ju...you dun understand..Ju Ju..
It was 'THE' hang out place for us most of the time. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper....
I actually forgotten bout the two monsters (dogs). Never fail to freak us out each time we pass that place..
Such happy moments... :)
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