Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Mugs and PJs

The Obsession of Winnie the Pooh.

For some reason...Winnie the Pooh was the "thing" in Perth.

The mugs and the PJs the housemates had must have been the influence from Housemate No 2. She's a Winnie the Pooh Freak..big time..

Housemate No 1:
Her PJs - Tigger of Winnie the Pooh (fake Tigger merchandise as Juls has tight budget to spend on a official Tigger PJ - so she decided to get something similar - a pirated Tigger PJ which spells "Hari Hari mau" instead of TIGGER just to blend into the gang)
Her Mug - Tigger of Winnie the Pooh..(again..that's a huge motherfucker right there..)

Housemate No 2:
Her PJs - Winnie the Pooh of Winnie the Pooh (the bear) - Courtesy of EJ - the Intruder
Her Mug - Winnie the Pooh (the bear)

#3 (sienzzz...):
Her PJs - eeyor of Winnie the Pooh (jealous of Housemate No 2 having a nice Winnie the Pooh PJ, she follows and forced herself into the gang by buying her own Eeyor PJ - outkast)
Her Mug - eeyor ( as above)

Mr Chan:
His PJs - Homer Simpson Boxer - Courtesy of Juls and Je
His Mug - Homer Simpson

I was the "safe" i was not influnced by Housemate No 2 into blending in by getting myself a PJ (probably with the character - piglet, since all the rest was taken). I cannot see myself having a Piglet mug and having a Piglet PJ - wearing a PJ to sleep is bad enuff...i mean...c'mon..girls..i understand but a guy wears a PJ to sleep??...he's gonna get bitch slappin' from me..... What more can i say if its a Piglet PJ?)

Come to think of it, maybe the reason why Je and Juls decided to get me the Homer boxer is because of the mug i have...?..or maybe that i look or behave like Homer?

But anyway, i was turn into a homer (no..not HOMO.. - its HOMER from SIMPSONS) by Je and Juls eventually.

Even the fridge magnet "Rumbly in my Tumbly". What more can i say.

Everywhere i go, everywhere i turn, there has to be something gotta do with Winnie the Pooh..i mean...GODDAMMIT...enough already..!!.. "DON.!!"..Even their rooms is filled with Winnie the Pooh else other kinds of softtoy.

Well...maybe girls just being girls..
But for Je, a little too much i would say...

Posters of Winnie the Pooh - Huge poster i'm talking about...8 feet long...4 feet wide..
Panties and Bras of Winnie the Pooh - Some are limited edition, signature series, Internet Exclusive, Anniversary Edition, Custom-made Edition, Collector's Edition, etc
Even the TAMPON she's using is Winnie the Pooh..
Bedsheets, pillow case, her sandals, her school bag, her pencil box, her glasses..(oppss...Je dun wear glasses), her mobile phone...basically everything..even her personal toilet paper.

How do i know all this?...Well..u see..Housemate No 2 loves sharing..her favourite quote "Sharing is Caring" she lives by her quote.

She would put on her whatever editon of bra and panty and walk around the house to parade her new winnie the pooh collection...i swear..the way she paraded was so good that you can actually hears a background music playing.."i'm a know what i mean..and i do my little turn on the catwalk...yea..on the catwalk...on the catwalk yea..i do my little turn on the catwalk..and i'm too sexy for mybra..."

Hey..what about the tampons??..she paraded with the tampon as well?...of coz not..that aint gonna be a pretty sight if she do so...
well..basically she just run around the house showing everyone the product. Holding it of coz..

Je: hey hey..look...i got this new tampon
Juls: err...ok..calm down je...
Je: no don't understand Ju Ju...look..its Winnie the Pooh..
Juls: *krummpppfffttttt....kakkk...kakkk... - choke on her tea*
#3: * face turning black...starts mumbling to herself in anger*

Je: see this Juls..see..this tampon has winnie the pooh face on it right?? i bleed on it...the pooh bear's face will turn red like as if its cuttttteeeee....i can't wait to have my period...i show after that ok?..
Juls: * fainted...*
Je: fun ar...gimme back my tampon..( say it with "gimme back my glove" effect - to know what is this "Gimme back my glove" is all about, please call 1-800-glove)

Je: #3..#3..come come...i show you..very cool
#3: H, baby P..come...lets go...mommy bring you go for a stroll around the the dining table..
Je: Chech....wait till ur baby H and baby P grow up..!!..they will need to use tampons too..hmmpppptttt....*stomped away...*
Juls: *still unconcious..*

Till next blog..

I'm Mr Chan signing off - ah Ju dun understand..Ju Ju..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wei.. you forgot my plaster!! it has winnie the pooh's face on it as well.. kekeke...

my winnie the pooh mug broken d. i figured, perth days are over... so why keep the mug.. *plianngggg...

good times!! :)

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

har?...sure or not?..u really "plianggg..." ur mug meh or by accident lar?

yea..real good times..
i think ur bro inherit my mug..and the dinasour feet..


3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh I where got Tigger pjs? I dun have la!

I did have the Tigger mug though.. heheh and I still have it with me and I still use it.

A very nice reminder of the good times.. Hehehhehe..

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's why i said ur Tigger PJ's a pirated version one lor...

aiseh julessss...

4:56 PM  

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